Nearly every act of the Sailor Moon manga begins with Usagi introducing herself as “just an average junior high school girl.” We see that she lives in a typical nuclear family with two parents and two children, one boy and one girl. They live in a modest home with one car and she goes to a public junior high school. Aside from her well-established abysmal grades, the Tsukino family is pretty much statistically average, isn’t it? Well, it certainly looks like it, but the facts don’t actually pan out that way when you look beyond the surface.
First off, regarding Usagi’s family, Ms. Takeuchi actually modeled the makeup of it after her own, even down to the names of her mother and father (Ikuko and Kenji) and younger brother, Shingo. Though the birth rate has been on the decline since 1973, in 1992 (when Sailor Moon takes place), households with two children still edged out single-child households,1 so at the very least this part of the “average girl” story works out. Now how do things work out with her living situation?