Here we are again, continuing on with our exciting look into the origins of the names of the Sailor Moon S anime Daimons. This is a continuation of Part One, so if you haven’t had read it, it may be interesting to read up on first.
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Here we are again, continuing on with our exciting look into the origins of the names of the Sailor Moon S anime Daimons. This is a continuation of Part One, so if you haven’t had read it, it may be interesting to read up on first.
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Since we’ve already taken a deep dive into the origins of the names of the Death Busters themselves, I figured it’s about time that we actually look at the Daimons in the anime took a look at the source for their names. Let’s take a look, shall we?
At first glance, it doesn’t seem particularly noteworthy that Mimete would refer to Eudial at a “Snail Lady” since there are several scenes in the anime where Mimete uses them to harass her. But when you stop and think about it – as I’m wont to do with incredibly tiny details about anime – it doesn’t really make any sense why Mimete would call Eudial something that she so clearly dislikes. I mean, you don’t refer to someone with acrophobia1 as “Ms. Tall Places” or someone someone with an extreme dislike for legumes as “Mr. Bean,” right?2 So if that isn’t the reason, what is the connection between Eudial and snails?
It seems that this question comes up at least once every season, but it’s just too much for me to pass up on the opportunity to discuss the depth that Ms. Takeuchi goes to when naming her characters. And that’s saying nothing of the entirely different styles of pun-tastic names that the anime producers went with when naming their various youma, cardians, droids, daimons, and other monsters of the day. Now that the Death Busters have made their long-awaited appearance in the Sailor Moon Crystal anime, it seems like now is as good of a time as ever to discuss how it is that they characters got their names. So what was the inspiration behind the names of the Witches 5 and the other members of the Death Busters?